Our Beliefs

If you would like to see our beliefs in list form, please see below. 

Faith, Hope and Love Christian Fellowship is a Pentecostal Christian church. We believe in God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the Word of God and tells of God’s loving, powerful, miraculous relationship with people throughout history,   God wants to have a personal relationship with each of us.  We love Him and thank Him and worship Him joyfully!  


The Bible also tells us that Heaven and hell both exist. All people sin at some time of their lives. We deserve to be punished for our sins, but instead we can be forgiven by God because Jesus took all the punishment for all people ever born when He died on the cross. Then He rose from the dead, proving how powerful He is and that He will live forever.  We can live there with Him eternally!  

In order to become a Christian and go to heaven when one dies, a person just has to believe that Jesus is God’s Son, that He rose from the dead, and ask for God’s forgiveness. Then the person’s Spirit becomes alive; the person had been physically born, but now he or she is “born again” with a new Spirit.

After being born again, Christians want to please God and to make Him Lord of their lives. This means that they realize that God knows what is best for them and they want to do what He wants them to do. Christians praise and worship God and read His Word. They go to church to learn from a pastor and to be with other believers. Together Christians can reach out to unbelievers nearby and around the world. And they can show God’s love through many projects that help people physically, emotionally and spiritually.

After a person believes in Jesus as Lord, the next step is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to live in your spirit. He lets you know that by having you speak a language that you have never learned. Another word for language is tongue, so this is called “speaking in tongues”. We know of people speaking German, Polish, or another language who never studied that language at all!  Most people are given words from a language we cannot identify, which makes them an even more special gift from our Father.

List of our Beliefs

The Bible – the inspired and infallible Word of God
The Trinity  – Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Jesus – born of a virgin, died, and rose again
Salvation – believing in Jesus, accepting Him as Lord, being born again
Water Baptism – believers by immersion
Holy Spirit Baptism – with the evidence of speaking in tongues as in Acts
Communion – remembering Jesus’ sacrifice using grape juice and Matza
Healing – God’s power at work today
Eternal life – in heaven or hell

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